Resources, Videos, FAQs, Blogs
- Toxic Parents: Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life (Susan Forward)
- Tell Yourself a Better Lie: Use the Power of Rapid Transformational Therapy to Edit Your Story and Rewrite Your Life (Marisa Peer)
- The Power of Your Subconscious Mind (Joseph Murphy)
- The Biology of Belief (Bruce H. Lipton)
- The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma (Bessel van der Kolk)
- It’s All In Your Head (Suzanne O’ Sullivan)
- The Myth Of Normal - Trauma, Illness & Healing in a Toxic Culture (Gabor Maté)
Dr Bruce Lipton on how important
love is for our vitality and wellbeing.
Masaru Emoto remarkably demonstrates the effects of words on water translating this to how powerful words can be to a person’s wellbeing.
Johann Hari on anxiety and depression and the importance of meeting your needs and the effects of loneliness.
RTT® is a hybrid therapy developed by Marisa Peer in London. It combines the best of hypnotherapy with unique methods for permanent, lasting change.
RTT® helps break bad habits, enables people to achieve extraordinary results in sports and performing arts, success in business, and overcome depression, anxiety, fears and phobias.
RTT® works on the subconscious mind. Change directed by the conscious mind has its limits. Will power alone can’t break the chains of bad habits or fears. That’s why we find ourselves making the same New Year’s resolution time and again. To change we need more than just will power and logic. We need to connect with the subconscious mind.
RTT® empowers you and sets you free from your issues by reframing old beliefs and rewiring in new beliefs.
RTT® is a distinctive therapeutic approach based on neuroscience, combining the most beneficial principles of Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, NLP, and CBT. As a comprehensive solution-based therapy, RTT has been recognized for its unmatched results.
No one is born with fears, depression or anxiety. Events that happen to us have no meaning but we give it meaning. And that meaning we attach to those events forms the blueprint and beliefs that direct our lives.
Surprisingly, often the thoughts and beliefs we are having are not ours – they are from either our past experiences or people around us. These beliefs will be engraved in our subconscious mind, whether they are good or bad, true or right, form the blueprints that rule our lives, making us who we are today. That being the case, to change, we need to connect with our subconscious mind.
So, why is the subconscious mind not a part of our everyday awareness? Early on in life we learn to navigate the world using our conscious mind. Just like when you start learning to drive. That is conscious learning but soon after the subconscious picks it up and driving becomes subconscious. The subconscious mind picks everything up – good or bad, right or wrong – it does not differentiate, it just accepts it as true and that becomes our beliefs.
The subconscious mind is an extraordinary resource, like a vault where everything we have learned or experienced is kept there. Experiences that have shaped how we feel about life in general and why we react to certain things in particular. Our subconscious gives rise to epiphanies and brilliant ideas.
Our subconscious mind is substantially more powerful than our conscious mind.
RTT® works on the assumption that you know what is the root cause of your issue but the only problem is it is buried deep in your subconscious mind.
RTT® is an accelerated form of therapy that gets to the root cause in your subconscious. It gets you unstuck very quickly and easily.
Unlike traditional therapy that deals with the conscious mind, during RTT® we access the subconscious mind through hypnosis, find the root cause of that belief and change it to something better and beneficial to you.
Yes! Hypnotic trance is a natural state of inward focus. In hypnosis you will achieve the alpha brain wave where you will be highly aware and suggestible. You will only accept suggestions that you agree with and are beneficial to you. It is similar to the experience of a flow state, a dream-like state. Like being totally absorbed while watching a movie. This heightened state of focus gives your mind more control – not less.
RTT® helps you change perceptions and thoughts at the subconscious level. Positive suggestions, like seeds, are planted in the subconscious mind and new and better beliefs are able to take root.
Anywhere between 2-3 sessions to get to the root cause, depending on how deep the issue is.
90-120 minutes
You will first be asked to fill up an intake form prior to your session. During the session the therapist will then go through your intake form and ask you some questions to get more clarity on the issue.
Then the session will commence. You will then be induced into hypnosis, then regressed to events that gave you this belief, then those old beliefs will be removed and installed with a new belief.
You will then be given a tailored, and personal recording that you MUST listen to EVERYDAY for a MINIMUM of 21 days. This recording lays down pathways or connection between neurons. As new pathways are strengthened, new behaviours become second nature. It is important that you play an active role in your transformation by listening to the recording.
This change becomes permanent and lasting. You break free easily, effortlessly and happily from whatever that’s weighing you down.
Having achieved globally validated results and many awards, RTT™ has received accreditation in the US, UK, and Australia, including the National Council of Psychotherapists, the American Board of Hypnotherapy, the International Council of Psychotherapists and the International Association of Counsellors and Therapists. RTT® has been acknowledged by the Royal School of Medicine in New York and London.